OHSA - Okanagan Health Service Area
OHSA stands for Okanagan Health Service Area
Here you will find, what does OHSA stand for in Hospital under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Okanagan Health Service Area? Okanagan Health Service Area can be abbreviated as OHSA What does OHSA stand for? OHSA stands for Okanagan Health Service Area. What does Okanagan Health Service Area mean?Okanagan Health Service Area is an expansion of OHSA
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Alternative definitions of OHSA
- Ohio High School Athletic Association
- Occupational Health and Safety Act
- Ortho Health S.A.
- Outstanding Humanitarian Service Award
- Occupational Health Services Australia
- Occupational Health & Safety Act
View 7 other definitions of OHSA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- OHWC Okotoks Health and Wellness Centre
- OCHC Olds Community Health Centre
- OH&CC Olds Hospital & Care Centre
- ODR Olive Devaud Residence
- OL Omineca Lodge
- OH Ongwanada Hospital
- OFLS Ontario French Language Service
- OD Open Door
- OSMH Orillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital
- OPH Oromocto Public Hospital
- O&AI Orthopaedic & Arthritic Institute
- ODRCC Oshawa Durham Rape Crisis Centre
- OGHGC Ottawa General Hospital - General Campus
- OCC Ottawa hospital (Civic Campus)
- OHARC Our House - Addiction Recovery Centre
- OUH Outlook Union Hospital
- OECH Overlander Extended Care Hospital
- OCHS Oyen Community Health Services
- OGUM Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
- OTMC Old Trafford Medical Center